About Us
The Union of Industry Actors for the Valorisation of Hemp Extracts or l’Union des industriels pour la valorisation des extraits de chanvre (UIVEC) brings together industrial and economic actors interested in the use of hemp extracts.
The organisation regroups the entire value chain of the hemp extract industry, from production to distribution of finished products, including processing, consulting services and analytical activities.
Our union exists to support the development of the hemp extract industry in its various areas (food products, cosmetics, pet food, etc.) and aid in the structuring of this sector.
UIVEC represents and is the voice of the professionals in the cannabinoids industry and works to ensure the safety and quality of products for consumers.
Our Scope of Action
Scope of Action
Natural hemp extracts
The multitude of uses and categories of finished products:
Raw materials
(Hemp extracts)
Food supplements
Compléments alimentaires
Pet Food
Prescription drugs
Cannabis médical

Outside our scope
Synthetic cannabinoids
Straw and seed processing
Tobacco products and other products intended for smoking
Recreational cannabis and narcotic products that do not comply with the thresholds provided by regulators
Our Members and Partners:
*non-exhaustive list